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"A Tool for Creativity"
Our Vision
We have a simple vision - Every kids' pencil box will be a personal maker lab
Our Principles

Affordable that can be shared at a single school desk (4-5 students)

Easy to program and accessible to all
Block Based

Localise in their language and lessons contextual to a relatable problem

Learning build on top of previous lessons and offers more pathways
for experimentation and creation
Our Inspiration
We are inspired by the story of FoldScope, an invention by Prof. Manu Prakash at Stanford. In the same way he was inpired to build the best microscope under $1 in parts, we asked ourselves "How can we convert a kids pencil box into a personal maker lab costing no more than $10?" And think out of the box was born.
Pilot and Program partners

Government partners

Our Team
Our team
Get in Touch

"A tool for creativity"
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